Credentialing Services
CUSA gives you the full service you deserve. We start with offering a credentialing service for any type of provider or clinic. We assist in the credentialing process for state license, hospital privileges, DEA & State CSR's & third party payers including Medicare and Medicaid. No matter what stage you are at in your credentialing we will be willing to help, initial, renewal, reappointment, trouble shooting, name changes, address change, etc.
If your office setting is still paper format, we offer D.O.V. services. Each office is unique, CUSA will customize to your needs. We offer Digitizing, Organizing and Verifying, only need one of these services no problem. Your credentialing documentation, is important let get you digitized and up to date. CUSA will move you into the future quicker, saving you time and money.

Contracting goes hand in hand with credentialing, for the initial providers we will guide you with those contracts that need to be done with those initial third party payers.